August 8, 2012

Dungeon Crawl Classics #70: Jewels of the Carnifex Giveaway

So have you checked out the excellent Dungeon Crawl Classics RPG yet?  No?  DO IT!  Still Undecided? Dont' worry, I'm thinking of doing a series of articles showcasing just how much fun this game is.  It hits all of the Old School sweet spots without coming across as "just another Retro-Clone."  DCC is very much it's own beast.

Thanks to Goodman Games and DriveThruRPG I can spread the love. I'm going to give away a PDF copy of the latest Dungeon Crawl Classics adventure, Jewels of the Carnifex!

A Level 3 Adventure

At the end of a forgotten back alley, in the weird and otherworldly marketplace of faiths known as the Bazaar of the Gods, stands the ruins of a forgotten chapel. Once the cult of the Carnifex was celebrated throughout the City of a Thousand Gates. But a band of holy warriors rose against the cult of executioners and torturers, casting down her signs and scattering her devotees to the winds. The fate of the cthonic goddess, and – more importantly – her fabled jewels remains a mystery…until this night.

Set amid the sprawling decadence of Punjar, Jewels of the Carnifex offers low-level adventurers a chance to plumb the mysteries beneath the city’s soiled streets, explore forgotten crypts lavished with weird artifacts, and – for the quick and daring – claim the lost Jewels of the Carnifex!

 Entry is simple.  Just leave a comment below describing your favorite aspects of Appendix N fiction or Old School Fantasy.  The contest will remain open until Friday 8/10 - 12pm Central Time.  

At that time I will randomly draw a winner for a PDF copy of Jewels of the Carnifex!


  1. Hi,
    Apologies for the off-topic comment, but I couldn't find a contact email for you.
    A while ago I put out an ebook of my writing, called 'The New Death and others'. It's mostly short stories, with some obvious gamer-interest material. For example I have a story inspired by OD&D elves, as well as poems which retell Robert E Howard's King Kull story 'The Mirrors of Tuzun Thune' and HP Lovecraft's 'Under the Pyramids'.
    I was wondering if you'd be interested in doing a review on your blog (either a normal book review, or a review of its suitability as gaming inspiration).
    If so, please email me: Let me know what file format is easiest for you, and I'll send you a free copy.
    You can download a sample from Smashwords:
    I'll also link to your review from my blog.
    Yours, James.
