August 17, 2012

GenCon 2012 Keynote: D&D Next

So after watching the live stream of the Keynote presentation from Wizards of the Coast, I have to say that it seems like they want to move in the right direction with the future of D&D.  They hit all the right points with me.  Talking about how at the end of the day it is about the fellowship that happens at the table while playing the game and not how Saving Throws are calculated that has made D&D what it is. They want the story to come first and not the rules.  They want the DM's and Players to be at the forefront and not the Game Designers.  They admitted that the approach of designing 3rd and 4th edition was Rules First.  They want that to change.

I hope they succeed.

The real sweet news that came from the presentation was that they expect the D&D Next playtest to take two years.  Meaning we are looking at the next edition of D&D to hit around Summer 2014, just in time for the 40th Anniversary of the game.  They said in the mean time that they will be looking to get their entire back catalogue available in PDF form.  This is amazing news.  I would love to grab some of the old box sets in PDF.  Al-Qadim, I'm looking at you.

1 comment:

  1. I got Al-Qadim. I don't know what it is about the desert and middle eastern settings, but I gobble them up!
